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Sale price £27.91 Regular price £40.00

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200ml. 100% pure echinacea juice from organic farming.


Immunostimulant. In respiratory infections.

Echinacea juice strengthens the immune system, especially the upper respiratory tract. Especially in the cold seasons it is considered to strengthen the body's resistance to bacteria and infections.

One of the most popular herbs in America today is the medicinal plant called Echinacea. Named so because of its prickly shell (echinosis is the Greek word for prickly). Archaeological research shows that Native Americans used echinacea more than 400 years ago as a "cure for everything."

Over the years, people have used echinacea to treat severe colds, syphilis, malaria, blood poisoning and more. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it became very popular in the United States, but began to be forgotten after the advent of antibiotics. Echinacea became extremely popular in Germany in the 20th century. The fact is that most scientific studies on echinacea have been conducted in Germany.

Today, people use echinacea for colds and flu and eliminate symptoms such as sore throat, cough and fever. Many herbalists recommend echinacea to boost the immune system and help the body fight off viral infections.

Echinacea helps prevent colds without a doubt! Several studies show that the herb makes us feel much better in less time. The sooner the herb is taken after we feel sick, the less severe its symptoms will be.

The therapeutic effect of echinacea is due to some of its chemical ingredients such as: polysaccharides, glycoproteins, alkamides, perishable fats, flavonoids. The chemical ingredients in the root differ significantly from those in its upper parts. For example, the root contains perishable fats, while the upper parts contain more polysaccharides. The combination of these active substances is responsible for the extremely beneficial effect of echinacea.

In German medicine, echinacea is used for colds, respiratory infections, urinary problems and slow-healing wounds.

There are some diseases for which the use of echinacea is not recommended due to the risk of reducing the effectiveness of life-sustaining drugs. Some of them are tuberculosis, diabetes, tissue diseases, HIV (or AIDS), autoimmune diseases, liver diseases. In rare cases, asthmatics and some allergies.


Daily dose: over 16 years: 2 times daily before meals 5 ml of juice undiluted or diluted with water or other juice. Children from 4-10 years 2-3 times a day 2 ml. Young people 10-16 years up to 2 times a day 4 ml.

Food supplement.
Keep out of reach of small children.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
The product is not a substitute for a varied diet.