IMMUNORUTIN x 90 tablets, routine, zinc, inulin, vitamin c

Home First Aid Kit

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  • Immunorutin (routine, zinc, inulin, vitamin c) is a complex preparation used to strengthen the immune system and natural defense mechanisms of the body, especially in autumn-winter, winter-spring, with increased susceptibility to disease.

4 tablets contain: vitamin C-240 mg; Inulin - 40 mg; Routine - 40 mg; Zinc- 18 mg

The preparation owes its properties to properly selected ingredients. Vitamin C activates the immune system, and the routine prolongs its action; this combination also protects the blood vessels by reducing their permeability. Zinc supplementation, in turn, complements the immune system as it is essential for the proper development of white blood cells that destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses, effectively fighting infections. In addition, the preparation contains prebiotic-inulin, which helps to restore the proper gut flora.

1-2 tablets daily, over a period of increased demand 3-4 tablets.
This product is intended for people over 3 years of age.