OPTILET Mini lance x 1 piece, blood glucose control


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  • Safe and very convenient Optilet Mini Jatropha facilitates daily control of blood glucose. The tip of the device can be adjusted to match the depth of penetration for different skin types.

Optilet Mini Retainer for only one patient. The device automatically inserts the lancet blade into the fingertip and retracts. The blood sample provided in this way is sufficient to carry out a glucose test. Adjustable cap allows you to control the depth of the puncture depending on the thickness of the skin. The lancet is also equipped with an ejector for worn lancets. Use the Optilets lancet only to remember to never use the same lancet twice.

Optilet Mini Trimmer is designed to take the blood sample needed to determine blood glucose.

Additional Information: The
lancet can not be used by more than one person. Repeated use of the same lancet by third parties may result in an increased risk of microbial risk.

Use as intended. To reduce the risk of infection, keep in mind the safe use of the lancet. Always wash your hands with warm soapy water and dry them before staining. Also remember to keep the lancet clean.