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6 month old baby constipated, constipation in children, infant constipation, BABYLAX enema

INFECTOPHARM Arzn.u.Consilium GmbH

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BABYLAX enema, infant constipation, 6 month old baby constipated, constipation in children

Dosage form: enemas

50% rectal solution

Active ingredients: glycerol 85%.

Areas of 6 month old baby constipated, constipation in children, infant constipation, BABYLAX enema application:

For the symptomatic treatment of constipation and constipation in babies and children.

Warnings: Benzalkonium chloride may cause skin irritation.

Laxatives for use in infants and children.

active 6 month old baby constipated, constipation in children, infant constipation, BABYLAX enema ingredients

  • 1800 mg glycerol 85%


  • disodium edetat-2 water
  • 0.36 mg benzalkonium chloride
  • Sodium hydroxide for pH adjustment
  • water, purified
  • Carbomer 934 P
  • Macrogol 400
Indication :
  • The medicine is a laxative.
  • The drug is used for the symptomatic treatment of constipation and constipation in infants and children of all ages, especially when changing food or dietary measures alone have not had an effect.


Dosage 6 month old baby constipated, constipation in children, infant constipation, BABYLAX enema:


  • Always use the medicine exactly as described or as your doctor or your child's doctor or your pharmacist has told you.
  • Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
  • If necessary, restore the content of
    • 1/2 -1 rectiole in infants
    • 1 rectiole in young children
    • 1 - 2 rectioles in school children
  • given in the rectum.


  • duration of use
    • Long-term use of laxatives is not recommended, as this cannot eliminate the cause of the constipation.


  • If you use more than you should
    • With proper use, an overdose is unlikely. In the event of accidental oral ingestion or overdose, there is no risk of poisoning. To avoid any irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, however, water or tea should be drunk afterwards.
    • Long-term use of laxatives or improper administration of higher doses can irritate the intestinal mucosa and disrupt the water and mineral balance.
    • Due to the diarrhea that occurs and the resulting loss of fluids, the potassium level in the body can drop. A loss of potassium in the body can lead to cardiac dysfunction and muscle weakness.
    • Long-term use can cause intestinal changes up to intestinal paralysis.


way 6 month old baby constipated, constipation in children, infant constipation, BABYLAX enema:


  • Hints
    • Before use, remove the cap and possibly grease the neck of the rectiole with a skin cream (e.g. Vaseline). Then insert the neck of the rectiole into the anus and empty the filling body by squeezing it vigorously. When pulling out the rectiole, keep the filling body compressed so that the active substance cannot be sucked back in again.
    • After squeezing out the packing, a residue remains in the rectiole, which can be discarded. This has been taken into account in the dosage instructions. If only half a rectiole is to be used, half of the rectal solution must first be squeezed out and discarded.
  • See instructions for use for more information!
Side effects :
  • Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
  • Irritation of the intestinal mucosa can occur in individual cases in particularly sensitive people or in the case of previously damaged mucous membranes.
  • In rare cases, diabetics with insufficient supply of nutrients to the tissue caused by blood flow can experience increased irritation of the intestinal mucosa.
  • If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified.
Interactions :
  • Use together with other medicines
    • Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking/using, have recently taken/used or might take/use any other medicines.
    • The medicine may interfere with the effects of other suppositories or enemas previously given, as these may be passed out prematurely by inducing bowel movements.
    • Even suppositories administered immediately after the preparation may not have a sufficient effect, as they can be excreted with the stool.
Contraindications :
  • The drug must not be used
    • if your child is allergic to glycerol or any of the other ingredients of this medicine
    • if your child has a bowel obstruction
Pregnancy and lactation :
  • Reports of harmful effects during pregnancy and lactation in humans are not known.
Patient Notes :
  • Warnings and Precautions
    • Please talk to your doctor or your child's doctor before using the medicine
      • with unclear abdominal pain. The application should only be carried out under medical supervision. If symptoms persist, you should see your doctor or your child's doctor.
      • Long-term use without medical supervision can be harmful.
    • Laxatives can lead to habituation. Higher and higher dosages are needed to discharge. This increases the risk of undesirable side effects and consequential damage.
    • The specified dosage instructions must be observed.


  • Ability to drive and use machines
    • The medicine has no influence on the ability to drive and use machines.