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MYALGAN x 30 tablets, tidal energy, mood enhancers

Hamida Pharma

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  • MYALGAN Mood enhancers. Myalgan gives a feeling of tidal energy, improves mood, reduces muscle tension, improves circulation and relieves pain.

MYALGAN Mood enhancers Action:
Myalgan m. In. It includes: BEE extract from the flower of daisies (Bellis perennis) contains a complex of bioflavonoids, essential oils and tannins that bring relief to patients with fibromyalgia and endure muscle and joint pain and tenderness throughout the body. Thanks to MYALGAN properties calming complex further improves the quality of sleep. Extracts daisy have traditionally widely used in combating a number of health problems associated with various types of pain, including migraine headache, neuralgia, stomach pains like. The extract is also helpful in a number of other problems such as gastrointestinal disorders, dysfunctions of the gall bladder and the urinary sensation of rapid heartbeat, edema (water retention), fever and night sweats.

BEE extract from the leaves of grape (Vitis vinifera) and an extract BEE olive (Olea europaea) contain bioflavonoids, tannins, glycosides, and dyes and a whole range of vitamins and minerals that help improve blood flow and circulation and, consequently, reduce muscle tension. MYALGAN is believed that abnormal, excessive muscular tension is the cause of the symptoms of fibromyalgia parts.Tight muscles can constrict on running in sśsiedztwie nerves, causing pain, numbness and paresthesias. Bruised nerves can also cause muscle weakness occupied and reduce the mobility of adjacent joints.

Both extracts help relieving the symptoms caused by circulatory problems and lack of energy in the chronic fatigue syndrome and relieve muscle aches and joint stiffness, abdominal pain and diarrhea, as well as alleviate the difficulty with urination and eliminate swelling.

Indications MYALGAN Mood enhancers:


  • It gives a feeling of tidal energy
  • being improves
  • reduces muscle tension
  • improves blood circulation
  • relieves pain

    MYALGAN Mood enhancers Dosage:
    1 - 2 tablets one to two times a day. Top 1 tablet. morning approx. hours. 10 am and 1 tablet. bedtime. In much severe symptoms and in the case of high body weight (over 80kg) can take 4 pills. daily. Interval between successive doses should not be shorter than 4 hours. To obtain a faster effect of the preparation can be chewed (sucked).