ACCU-CHEK FastClix lancets 204 pcs
pack size:204 pcs Dosage form:lancets
ACCU-CHEK FastClix lancets 204
A lancing device should be quick and easy to use, comfortable to use and gentle on the skin. After all, diabetes can mean measuring your blood sugar several times a day. The Accu-Chek FastClix lancing device offers you a high level of convenience: It is the world's first 1-click lancing device with an integrated six-lancet drum and the patented Softmotion technology. The patented Softmotion technology with its precise lancet guide and triple-beveled lancet tip ensures gentle blood collection.
You can cock and release the lancet with just one click - it works very easily, with one hand. This is how blood collection is quick and easy. With the convenient lancing depth setting in 11 steps, you can intuitively set your individual lancing depth.
ACCU-CHEK FastClix lancets 204:
The Accu-Chek FastClix drum technology makes it easier to change the lancet regularly. A new lancet is ready for use by moving the lever to the stop and back. When changing the drum, the lancet drum is always replaced completely: Since you do not have direct contact with the lancets, there is less risk of injury. The disposal of used drums can be done easily and conveniently with household waste.
ACCU-CHEK FastClix lancets 204. The advantages of Accu-Chek FastClix at a glance:
Simple blood collection, as only 1 click is needed to cock and release
Gentle blood collection using the patented Softmotion technology with precise lancet guidance and the triple-bevelled lancet tip
Intuitive and convenient changing of the lancet thanks to the drum technology as well as convenient and hygienic disposal of the used lancet drum in the household waste.