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Sinus pain and headache, Chavita 6 drops


Sale price £81.50 Regular price £130.00

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Chavita 6 Sinus pain and headache, homeopathic medicine

drops 50 ml

Sinus pain and headache Chavita® 6

The sixth Chakra is the Indian Third Eye, a systemic center which brings complex arrangements into harmony. Since time immemorial, the Third Eye has been associated with intuition, the sixth sense and an awakening into awareness of the divine primeval foundation of the world. Anatomically and functionally, the Third Eye corresponds to the autonomic nervous system and hormonal regulation via the hypothalamus and the pituitary/limbic system. This is where those integrated regulatory activities of the entire organism are supervised that obey an independent higher intelligence which is not subject to deliberate influence by the conscious will.

The core statements of the sixth Chakra are:

• “Straightening out my needs and those of others;

• Compensating and equilibrating.”


• Staphysagria C 50
• Plumbum metallicum D 21
• Viscum album D 21
• Sus scrofa (cerebellum) D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.