Calmedoron ® globules, nervousness, difficulty falling asleep
of application:
according to the anthroposophic understanding of man and nature. These include: difficulty falling asleep and nervousness.
Contains sucrose (sugar), please read the package insert.
Calmedoron ® globules, nervousness, difficulty falling asleep
For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.
Calm and promote relaxed sleep
Active ingredients
- 30 mg Valeriana officinalis, ethanol. Decoction Urtinktur
- 2.4 mg Humulus lupulus Urtinktur
- 10 mg of roasted coffee-ethanol. Decoction D60
- 15 mg Passiflora incarnata Urtinktur
- 50 mg Avena sativa 2b Urtinktur
- Sucrose
- Helps with restlessness, nervousness and difficulty falling asleep
- Promotes falling asleep and supports restful and relaxed sleep
- Helps to calm down during the day
Natural help for sleep disorders and nervousness
Product description
Helps with restlessness, nervousness and sleep disorders
Calmedoron® helps with restlessness, nervousness and difficulty falling asleep. Calms during the day; taken in the evening, Calmedoron® helps you fall asleep and supports restful and relaxed sleep.
Plant extracts from hops, valerian, passion flower and oats calm overstimulated nerves. Coffee in a highly diluted, homeopathically potentiated form helps with conditions such as heart palpitations, restlessness and insomnia. Tension caused by exhaustion, overtiredness or overstimulation can be relieved more easily.
Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, adults and children aged 6 years and over receive 15 pellets as a single dose, toddlers aged 1-5 years receive 10 pellets, and infants in their first year of life receive 5 pellets.
If you have trouble falling asleep, take a single dose in the evening before going to bed. If you are nervous, take the appropriate amount of pellets once a day.
Storage conditions
There are no special storage requirements.
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
10 g (= 10.7 ml) contain: Active ingredients: Avena sativa 2b Ø 2.5 g / Humulus lupulus Ø 0.12 g / Passiflora incarnata Ø 0.75 g / Valeriana, ethanol. Decoctum Ø 3 g / Coffea tosta, ethanol. Decoctum Dil. D60 (HAB, V. 19f) 1.5 g.