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Sleep disorders, SEDACALMAN mixture

PharmaSGP GmbH

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SEDACALMAN mixture, Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders Sedacalman ®

Sleep disorders are a real widespread disease: around 16 million Germans, British, Arabian complain about problems falling asleep, cannot sleep through the night restfully or often wake up at night. During the day they usually feel tired, exhausted and unbalanced or are unfocused and irritable. This can lead to restlessness or nervous disorders - a vicious circle. This makes it all the more important to approach the problem holistically. The medicine Sedacalman effectively combats sleep disorders at night and nervous restlessness during the day in a very gentle and natural way!

Sedacalman ® is an approved medicine for nervous disorders with sleep disorders:
✔ Effective day and night complex with a special combination of 5 proven medicinal plants
✔ Helps with sleep disorders at night and nervous disorders during the day
✔ Without side effects or potential for habituation
✔ Available without a prescription

Sedacalman ® is a homeopathic medicine for nervous diseases. The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug images. These include: Nervous disorders with sleep disorders.

10 g (corresponding to 10.9 ml) Mixture contains:
Active ingredients:
Acidum picrinicum Dil. D5 1.0g | Avena sativa Ø 0.2 g | Chamomilla recutita Ø 0.2 g | Humulus lupulus Ø 0.5 g | Hypericum perforatum Dil. D1 0.5g | Kalium bromatum Dil. D2 0.1g | Valeriana officinalis Ø 6.5 g
This medicine contains 59% alcohol by volume.

DOSAGE RECOMMENDATION: Unless otherwise prescribed:
In acute conditions , take 5 drops every half to an hour, a maximum of 6 times a day.
For chronic forms, take 5 drops 1 to 3 times a day.

The drops are taken with a glass of water, regardless of meals. Taking it for more than a week should only be done after consulting a doctor. If the symptoms improve, the frequency of use should be reduced. If you have persistent, unclear or new symptoms, you should consult a doctor, as these may be illnesses that require medical clarification.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
To this point, there are no known side effects.

Store drug out of reach of children. Note leaflet.

Sleep disorders, SEDACALMAN mixture

اضطرابات النوم هي مرض واسع الانتشار: حوالي 16 مليون ألماني وبريطاني وعربي يشكون من مشاكل في النوم، ولا يستطيعون النوم بشكل مريح طوال الليل أو غالبًا ما يستيقظون أثناء الليل. خلال النهار عادة ما يشعرون بالتعب والإرهاق وعدم التوازن أو عدم التركيز والانزعاج. وهذا يمكن أن يؤدي إلى الأرق أو الاضطرابات العصبية - حلقة مفرغة. وهذا يزيد من أهمية التعامل مع المشكلة بشكل شمولي. دواء Sedacalman يكافح بشكل فعال اضطرابات النوم أثناء الليل والأرق العصبي أثناء النهار بطريقة لطيفة وطبيعية للغاية!