Accu-Chek Instant test strip 100 pcs.
The Accu-Chek Instant test strips with the Accu-Chek Instant blood glucose meter are designed to be used to quantify glucose levels in fresh capillary fresh whole blood from a finger, hand, forearm, and upper arm as an aid in monitoring glucose control effectiveness.
Accu-Chek Instant test strip Operation
The Accu-Chek Instant System meets the requirements of ISO 15197: 2013 (In vitro diagnostic test systems - Requirements for blood glucose monitoring systems for self-monitoring in diabetics). Calibration and traceability:
The system (meter and test strips) was calibrated with venous blood samples with different glucose concentrations.
Reference values were obtained by the hexokinase method, calibrated by the ID-GCMS method.
The ID-GCMS method as a top metrology class (order) method is traceable to the original NIST standard. Through this chain, the measurement results obtained with the control solution strip test can also be identified in the NIST standard. Limit of detection (lowest displayed value): 10 mg / dL (0.6 mmol / L) for the test strip System measuring range: 10-600 mg / dL (0.6-33.3 mmol / L) Sample size: 0, 6 µL Duration of measurement: <4 seconds.
Accu-Chek Instant Directions for use
A study evaluating the glucose values measured in capillary blood samples from a fingertip from 101 people without any special training gave the following results:
With blood glucose levels below 100 mg / dL (below 5.55 mmol / L), 100% of the measurement results were within ± 15 mg / dL (within ± 0.83 mmol / L) of the laboratory procedure measurement results.
At blood glucose levels equal to or greater than 100 mg / dL (equal to or greater than 5.55 mmol / L), 96.7% of the measurement results were within ± 15% of the laboratory protocol measurement results.
Accu-Chek Instant Measurement method:
The enzyme used in the dipstick reaction, FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase (GDH), isolated from A. oryzae, converts glucose in the blood sample to gluconolactone. This reaction produces a harmless DC current which is processed with the meter to interpret the blood glucose result. The sample and the environmental conditions are assessed using alternating and direct current.
The test strip gives results that correspond to the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma as recommended by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC). Therefore, the meter displays values in relation to plasma glucose even though whole blood is always applied to the test strip.
When using an Accu-Chek Instant or Accu-Chek Instant S meter, always follow applicable rules for handling items that may be contaminated with human material. Follow the hygiene and safety regulations of your laboratory or facility.
Accu-Chek Contraindications
Lipemic samples (triglycerides)> 1,800 mg / dL (> 20.3 mmol / L) may lead to high blood glucose results. Do not use the system during a xylose absorption test.
Do not use the system while administering intravenous ascorbic acid.
In peripheral circulatory disorders, it is not recommended to collect capillary blood from commonly used sites, as there is a possibility that the physiological glucose concentration will not be correctly determined. This applies to such cases as: significant dehydration due to diabetic ketoacidosis or hyperglycaemic-hypermolar syndrome, hypotension, shock, decompensated NYHA class IV heart failure or atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.
The hematocrit value should be in the range of 10–65%. Please consult your physician if your own hematocrit value is unknown.
The system is tested for use at heights of up to 3,094 meters.