CARBO Medicinalis 0.15 x 20 tablets, diarrhea, activated carbon, activated charcoal

Valeant (ICN)

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  • The indications for use of the preparation CARBO Medicinalis activated carbon are diarrhea, excessive intestinal fermentation, bloating, flatulence gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the gastro-intestinal disorders.Poisoning by drugs and chemicals.

Composition CARBO Medicinalis:
1 tablet contains 150 mg of activated charcoal

CARBO Medicinalis Action: Medicinal charcoal is a means with strong absorbing and shielding. Binds intestinal gas, products of putrefaction, bacteria, toxins, various toxic products of metabolism, medications and other chemical compounds in addition to strong acids, bases, salts of iron, cyanide, tolbutamide and sulfonylurea. Administered orally cover gastrointestinal mucosa firmly adhering layer, thereby protecting it from irritating nutrients. It works zapierająco.

Indications CARBO Medicinalis: diarrhea, excessive intestinal fermentation, bloating, flatulence gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the gastro-intestinal disorders. Poisoning by drugs and chemical compounds - after consultation with your doctor.

Dosage: Oral. An average of 3-4 tablets are used several times a day. Antidiarrhoeal 10 - 20 tablets 3-4 times per day.