GASTRICUMEEL x 50 tablets associated with impaired gastrointestinal stomach


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  • HEEL- GASTRICUMEEL is one of the complex homeopathic medicines used sublingually, which affects the alleviation of symptoms associated with impaired gastrointestinal stomach. It normalizes the digestive system.

Acidum arsenicosum D6, Argentum nitricum D6, D4 pratensis Pulsatilla, Nux vomica D4, D6 vegetabilis Carbo, Antimonium crudum D6

preparation characterized by a complex and unique composition that has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. It belongs to the category of homeopathic medicines for checking in time and long-term treatment of acute gastritis, heartburn and bębnicy. It affects the rebalancing within the digestive system.

It is recommended to be taken in case of discomfort associated with acute and long-term gastritis, heartburn and flatulence.

Use sublingually at a dose of 1 tablet. x 3/24. in the case of acute conditions administered 1 tablet. every quarter for about 2 hours.