catheter, SPEEDICATH Tiemann Men Ch 16 40cm
Pack size:30 pcs Dosage form:catheter
catheter, SPEEDICATH Tiemann Men Ch 16 40cm Description:
Coated, PVC-free disposable catheter with curved tip for intermittent self-catheterization. Ready to use at any time thanks to its embedding in a sterile liquid. With fully coated catheter eyes and opening aid. Length: 40cm; CH 16. ; Quantity: 30 pcs; Search terms: Coloplast GmbH, 27496, incontinence, Speedicath Tiemann Ch16, aid number, disposable catheter for ISK, disposable catheter, coated, packaged ready for use, incontinence aids, urinary/digestive organs, disposable catheter for ISK, disposable catheter theter, coated, packed ready for use