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ARNICA-DERM Feldhoff ointment

w.feldhoff & comp.arzneim.GmbH

Sale price £26.93 Regular price £30.00

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ARNICA-DERM Feldhoff ointment

pack size:50g Dosage form:ointment

Why use Arnica

Arnica Cream and Gels comes from “Arnica montana” which is a plant from the Asteraceae family, known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and antimycotic properties.

Arnica is believed to help relieve pain associated with arthritis and muscle soreness. It is also used to treat post-surgical swelling and bruising. It is available in topical and oral forms.

Is arnica an anti-inflammatory?

Its flowers and roots have been used to treat bruises, sprains, arthritic pain, and muscle aches. A highly diluted form of arnica is also used in homeopathic remedies. In vitro studies show that arnica has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties