- Prenatal preparation Elevit designed for women planning to become pregnant (it is advisable to start taking it for a month before you become pregnant), pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
ELEVIT Pronatal Composition:
1 tablet. powl. contains 5000 IU of vitamin A, 500 IU of vitamin D 3 , 15 IU vitamin E, 1.55 mg vitamin B 1 , 1.8 mg vitamin B 2 , 2.6 mg of vitamin B 6 , 4 micrograms of vitamin B 12 , 19 mg of nicotinamide 10 mg of calcium pantothenate, 800 mg of folic acid, 200 mg of biotin, 100 mg of vitamin C, 125 mg calcium, 125 mg phosphorus, 100 mg magnesium, 60 mg iron (Fe II), 7.5 mg of zinc, 1 mg of manganese, 1 mg of copper.
ELEVIT Pronatal Action:
the product contains vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy pregnancy and fetal development, as well as the development of breast-fed infant. It is worth emphasizing increased content of iron (to prevent anemia) and folic acid, whose deficiency leads to neural tube birth defects (such as spina bifida).Taking folic acid during the period before pregnancy and in the initial period reduces the incidence of the offspring of neural tube defects.
ELEVIT Pronatal Indications:
This product is intended for women planning to become pregnant (it is recommended to start accepting it for a month before you become pregnant), pregnant women and nursing mothers breastfeeding for: the prevention and treatment of consequences of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, prevention of iron deficiency anemia and folic acid and to prevent congenital neural tube defects and other congenital defects of development of the fetus.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the preparation ingredients, hypervitaminosis a or D, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, kidney failure or liver disease, metabolic disorders of iron. Do not use with other preparations of vitamin A or D.
Undesirable effects: In the initial period of application is rarely observed transient gastrointestinal disorders (such as constipation).
ELEVIT Pronatal Interactions:
The preparation diminish the effects of tetracycline given orally and fluorine compounds (such as fluoroquinolones) while HCl antacids reduce the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract (due to the above mentioned interactions above. drugs should be administered after at least 2 h after dosing). Food rich in fiber and phytates, alcohol, smoking can impair the absorption of the preparation.
Dosage: Orally 1 tablet.per day (before or during breakfast). In case of morning sickness it is recommended to take preparation time next meal.
Notes: The product may cause darkening of the stool and urine.