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Rhizome 50g


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  • Rhizome. Herbs of the brewing rhizome is a medicinal product for use in internal and external. A decoction prepared from raw materials can drink supplement in diarrhea (eg. Food poisoning), or it can be gargle and mouth.

100g of product contains 100g rhizomes pięciornika (Tormentillae rhizoma).

While diarrhea drinking a decoction of the rhizomes supports the body, preventing dehydration. Due to its characteristics it can be used in inflammatory bowel disease. rhizome can also be used externally as a lotion used in inflammation of the mouth and throat, have a connection astringent and antibacterial.

This medicinal product rhizome oral therapy is recommended as an auxiliary in the course of diarrhea. Applied topically is indicated as astringent rinse the mouth and throat in the case of inflammation.

Additional information:
Keep out of reach of children, at room temperature. Should be protected from direct exposure to moisture, light and odors. In the case of diarrhea, accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and stool are visible traces of oil or blood, it is advisable to contact a doctor.

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any component. Not recommended for use in pregnant and lactating women, and children.

Undesirable effects:
When used in susceptible individuals may appear upset stomach.

Adults: oral use - about 2g, or half a teaspoon of the product pour 150ml of water (3/4 cup) and cook over low heat, covered for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain. You should drink 3/4 cup of decoction 3 times a day. For external use - to prepare a decoction: 20g product and one glass of water. Mouth and throat rinse freshly prepared decoction. If diarrhea symptoms persist or worsen after 1-2 days of treatment, contact your doctor.