LOVI Dynamic silicone teether Night & Day (6-18 months) x 2 pieces 22/811 girl


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LOVI Dynamic silicone teether Night & Day (6-18 months) is a unique product that effectively soothes small children. It is safe to use and does not disturb the suckling reflex.

LOVI Dynamic silicone teether Night & Day Composition:
free of bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals and harmful coloring substances

LOVI Dynamic silicone teether Night & Day Action:
LOVI The Night & Day dynamic silicone teether (6-18 months) belongs to the group of products that should be among other accessories in a small child's home. It is not only safe to use, but also contributes to the calming down and calming down of a crying baby. The nipple is made of silicone, without the addition of bisphenol A. This is one of the products from the Night & Day series, the characteristic feature of which is the handle that fluoresces at night. This allows you to find the soother even faster when the light is off. The symmetrical shape of the product prevents the sucking reflex. Research shows that its use in accordance with ENT recommendations protects against dysfunctions during the development of speech or bite. The nipple shield has special holes, which allow air to pass through and thus reduce the risk of painful abrasions and irritation to the baby's skin. The package includes 2 LOVI products. Dynamic Night & Day silicone teether, as well as 2 covers and 2 capsules for hygienic storage of the teat.

LOVI Dynamic silicone teether Night & Day Indications:
It is recommended to use the pacifier to calm down children (girls) aged 6-18 months.

Directions for use:
The teat is intended to be sucked by children aged 6-18 months. Before the first use, the product should be thoroughly washed (preferably by steaming it in boiling water for about 5 minutes). It is advisable to change the teat every 6-8 weeks.