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OSTEOVIT 1000 x 100 tabl. calcium carbonate, vitamin D3

Asa Sp. z oo

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OSTEOVIT 1000 x 100 tabl. calcium carbonate, vitamin D3

  • Osteovit 1000 contains calcium carbonate, which is a source of ionized calcium (Ca 2+). Calcium is involved in bone formation and mineralization.

Calcium and vitamin D3:

  • Prophylactically for women in the around - and postmenopausal period,
  • Calcium is indicated for people with osteoporosis (eg reduced bone density).
  • Convalescence period after bone fractures,
  • States of increased demand for calcium (period of intensive growth),
  • Long-term immobilization,
  • Supporting the body during allergy.

1 tablet contains:
Active substance:
Calcium carbonate - 1000 mg (400 mg Ca + 2 ionized calcium)
Vitamin D3 - 2.5 μg
Polyvinylpyrrolidone, croscarmellose, colloidal silica, starch, lactose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

2 times a day with 1 tablet, drink a little liquid. It is recommended to take the preparation during the meal because of better active substance.