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Vitamins and supplements

The most valuable for the human body Vitamins and supplements in the form of innovative and complex preparations single component.

Vitamins for children, for adults, for athletes and physically active, for pregnant women, nursing mothers, menopausal women and for men. Specially formulated Vitamins and supplements for diabetics, and people anaemics slimming.

Supplemental levels of magnesium, potassium, and other valuable minerals for the smooth functioning of the nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Vitamins for infants in the form of a modern twist-off and supplements for children in preschool and school age in the form of jellies, lollipops, oranżadek.

Preparations affecting the natural immune processes, support memory and concentration and performance psychophysical organis.

Sale price £128.83 Regular price £150.00 Sale
Sale price £27.37 Regular price £50.00 Sale