CERES ginkgo mother tincture, ginkgo biloba, dementia, alzheimer's disease, urinary problems
ginkgo mother tincture benefits:
It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic and anti-allergic properties. This remedy is useful for treating muscular weakness, skin conditions, many types of neurological problems such as dementia, alzheimer's disease and urinary problems.
pack size:20ml Dosage form:drops.
Homeopathic CERES ginkgo biloba, dementia, alzheimer's disease, urinary problems medicine.
active CERES ginkgo biloba, dementia, alzheimer's disease, urinary problems ingredients
- 1 ml ginkgo biloba mother tincture
CERES ginkgo biloba, dementia, alzheimer's disease, urinary problems excipients
- ethanol
Ginkgo leaves mother tincture
Plant parts used: fresh leaves
Essence of the plant CERES ginkgo biloba, dementia, alzheimer's disease, urinary problems:
Everything in nature is created, moved and passed away by forces that arise from the tension between two poles. This law of polarity is fundamental and obvious, we find it confirmed in the contrasts of day and night, male and female, youth and old age, etc. However, we keep forgetting to include this law of polarity in the practice of our daily life. Most of the time, one side of a thing is preferred and held, and the corresponding other side is rejected or fought. This procedure loses dynamism and vitality, because this can only exist in the field of tension between opposites that are equal to each other or that alternate in chronological order. In our culture, the causal-analytical thinking of the left hemisphere is overrated and encouraged, which means that the analog-synthetic thinking of the right hemisphere is neglected and atrophied. In the long run, a loss of vitality in the brain and a degeneration of its functions as a whole cannot be avoided. With its two-lobed leaf, which unites the two poles – male and female – the ginkgo symbolizes the unity and balance of polarities. Since life force is strongest when in balance, the ginkgo tree has a very high level of vitality, which proves its enormous resistance and regenerative power, which is unsurpassed in the plant kingdom.