DHU Silicea Pentarkan, silica, calcium fluoride
DHU Silicea Pentarkan ®
DHU Silicea Pentarkan for the connective tissue
The DHU Silicea Pentarkan is a proven combination with the active ingredients Calcium fluoratum (calcium fluoride) and Silicea (silica). It is suitable for connective tissue weakness and the associated disorders.
In the case of complaints such as wrinkling, varicose veins, orange peel or stretch marks, activate the body's own self-healing powers with mineral salts based on the tried and tested Schüßler therapy. In this way you gently support the connective tissue from within. The combination preparation DHU Silicea Pentarkan from the supplier of the original DHU Schüßler salts makes it very easy to use.
DHU Silicea Pentarkan is a proven combination with the active ingredients Calcium fluoratum (calcium fluoride) and Silicea (silica):
Calcium fluoratum (calcium fluoride)
The salt of the connective tissue, the joints and the skin - important for the supporting and connective tissue.
Occurrence in the body: Calcium fluoratum is contained in tooth enamel, in the bones and the cells of the top layer of the skin. In addition, it occurs in particular in elastic tissue such. B. in the tendons and ligaments.
Silicea (silicic acid)
The salt of hair, skin and connective tissue - is also known as the mineral salt for beauty.
Occurrence in the body: Silicea is indispensable for the body as part of the connective tissue.
DHU Silicea Pentarkan, silica, calcium fluoride How to dose correctly:
1 tablet 3 times a day
. Joint problems and restricted mobility can also be the cause of weak connective tissue and can be treated preventively. Here it is primarily useful to strengthen the connective tissue structures of the musculoskeletal system (tendons, ligaments). Sedentary activities combined with a lack of exercise or one-sided stress or overload often create a weak point in this area that is often underestimated over a long period of time. However, one should start early; Schü / szlig; ler salts can be used to support this. A suitable remedy in these cases is the DHU Silicea Pentaran, which has proven itself especially in the treatment of weak connective tissue, especially in the area of the supporting apparatus.
DHU Silicea Pentarkan, silica, calcium fluoride contains lactose and wheat starch.
Note leaflet!
Areas of application:
DHU Silicea Pentarkan is a homeopathic medicine for use in the case of weak connective tissue. The area of application is derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. This includes: Connective tissue weakness.
For DHU Silicea Pentarkan, silica, calcium fluoride information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist. German Homeopathy Union DHU Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG
DHU Silicea Pentarkan, silica, calcium fluoride Active ingredients
- 25 mg acidum silicicum D5
- 25 mg Calcium fluoratum D5
DHU Silicea Pentarkan, silica, calcium fluoride Auxiliary materials
- Magnesium stearate
- Lactose-1 water
- Wheat starch
Joint complaints and restricted mobility can also be the cause of weak connective tissue and can be treated preventively.
Sedentary activities combined with a lack of exercise or one-sided stress or overload often create a weak point in this area that is often underestimated over a long period of time.
However, one should start early; Schüßler salts can be used to support this.
A suitable remedy in these cases is the DHU Silicea Pentaran®, which has been proven especially in the treatment of weak connective tissue, especially in the area of the supporting apparatus.
DHU Silicea Pentarkan for the connective tissue
The DHU Silicea Pentarkan® is a proven combination with the active ingredients Calcium fluoratum (calcium fluoride) and Silicea (silica). It is suitable for connective tissue weakness and the associated disorders.
In the case of complaints such as wrinkling, varicose veins, orange peel or stretch marks, activate the body's own self-healing powers with mineral salts based on the tried and tested Schüßler therapy.
In this way you gently support the connective tissue from within. The combination preparation DHU Silicea Pentarkan® from the supplier of the original DHU Schüßler salts makes it very easy to use.
DHU Silicea Pentarkan® is a proven combination with the active ingredients Calcium fluoratum (calcium fluoride) and Silicea (silica):
Calcium fluoratum (calcium fluoride)
The salt of the connective tissue, the joints and the skin - important for the supporting and connective tissue.
Occurrence in the body: Calcium fluoratum is contained in tooth enamel, in the bones and the cells of the top layer of the skin. In addition, it occurs in particular in elastic tissue such. B. in the tendons and ligaments.
Silicea (silicic acid)
The salt of hair, skin and connective tissue - is also known as the mineral salt for beauty.
Occurrence in the body: Silicea is indispensable for the body as part of the connective tissue.
DHU Silicea Pentarkan, silica, calcium fluoride How to dose correctly:
1 tablet 3 times a day
DHU Silicea Pentarkan, silica, calcium fluoride Mandatory
text : DHU Silicea Pentarkan® Contains lactose and wheat starch. Note leaflet! Areas of application: DHU Silicea Pentarkan® is a homeopathic medicine for use in the case of weak connective tissue. The area of application is derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. This includes: Connective tissue weakness.
For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
German Homeopathy Union DHU Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG