Emvita 19 Timid - Not wanting to see things clearly, diplomatic, undecided drops 50 ml
homeopathic medicine
Timid - Not wanting to see things clearly, diplomatic, undecided, weakness in decision-making; fear of making mistakes, not wanting to see things clearly
Underlying the undecidedness are the true causes: on one hand the fear of making mistakes, on the other the hope that there could be a better option. The maneuvering and undecidedness are based on the inability to clearly weigh the advantages among different possibilities. There is a hesitant attempt to please everyone and stay clear of any confrontation. An effort is made to act diplomatically, and it goes unnoticed that one’s own impulses and desires have been suppressed. One goes around in circles without actually moving forward.
• Magnesia carbonica C800
• Zincum metallicum LM18
• Calcarea carbonica D21
• Pituitary posterium D21
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
• alcohol
Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.