TO-EX Peka N drops 30 ml Hydrastis canadensis, Echinacea angustifolia
TO-EX Peka N drops Hydrastis canadensis, Echinacea angustifolia Active ingredients
- 100 mg Argentum nitricum D4
- 110 mg Bryonia cretica-spag. Peka D4
- 150 mg Clematis recta D3
- 150 mg Hydrastis canadensis D4
- 140 mg Echinacea angustifolia / pallida-spag. Peka D12
- 160 mg Galium aparine 6X
- 160 mg glechoma hederacea-spag. Peka D6
- 30 mg Ledum palustre D6
Auxiliary materials
- Ethanol
Hydrastis canadensis, Echinacea angustifolia Ingredients
100 g contain:
Echinacea spag. Peka | D 12 | 14.0 g |
Argentum nitricum | D 4 | 10.0 g |
Bryonia cretica spag. Peka | D 4 | 11.0 g |
Clematis recta | D 3 | 15.0 g |
Ledum palustre | D 6 | 3.0 g |
Hydrastis canadensis | D 4 | 15.0 g |
Galium aparine | D 6 | 16.0 g |
Glechoma hederacea spag. Peka | D 6 | 16.0 g |
Area of application
Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no therapeutic indication is given. Medical advice should be sought if symptoms persist during use.
Hydrastis canadensis, Echinacea angustifolia Dosage
Unless otherwise prescribed: In acute conditions, take 5 drops in a little water every half to full hour, no more than 6 times a day. Use for more than a week should only be done after consulting a homeopathically experienced therapist. In chronic forms, take 5 drops 1 to 3 times a day in a little water. If the symptoms improve, the frequency of use should be reduced.
5 drops contain 0.0370 g of alcohol.
hydrastis canadensis benefits
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is one of the most popular herbs on the market today. It was traditionally used by Native Americans to treat skin disorders, digestive problems, liver conditions, diarrhea, and eye irritations.
Echinacea angustifolia benefits
Echinacea has been used for virus infections such as the common cold and flu. It is used to strengthen the immune system. It has also been used for returning vaginal fungal infections ("yeast infections") along with antifungal products applied to the vaginal area.
Galium aparine benefits
The plant is bursting with medicinal properties: antispasmodic; antiphlogistic; aperient; astringent; detoxificant; diaphoretic; diuretic; depurative; vulnerary; a noted lymphatic and urinary tract cleanser; refigerant; febrifuge; laxative; lowers blood pressure; sliming and tonic.
glechoma hederacea benefits
The dried plant and crushed leaves are used to make medicine. People take ground ivy for mild lung problems, coughs, and bronchitis. They also take it for arthritis and other joint pain, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), stomach problems, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bladder infections, bladder stones, and kidney stones.
Ledum palustre benefits
Taking ledum palustre decoctions aids in alleviating joint pain, muscle aches, tenderness, redness, swelling in the connective tissues, strengthen bones and eases stiffness in the joints