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Alpha lipoic acid, Diabetes nerve damage, ethylenediamine, ALPHA-LIPOGAMMA

Woerwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG

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ALPHA-LIPOGAMMA 600 mg infusion solution concentrate, Alpha lipoic acid, Diabetes nerve damage, ethylenediamine

Alpha lipoic acid, Diabetes nerve damage, ethylenediamine, Alpha Lipogamma ® 600 mg concentrate for infusion solution

Active ingredient: alpha-lipoic acid, ethylenediamine salt 755 mg (equivalent to 600 mg alpha-lipoic acid).

Areas of application: paraesthesia in diabetic polyneuropathy.

For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Wörwag Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, 71034 Boeblingen

Alpha Lipogamma ® 600 mg
Nerve damage caused by diabetes

Damage to the nerves is a common consequence of diabetes mellitus, because the increased blood sugar causes changes in the body that affect the sensitive nerves. Alpha Lipogamma®600 mg infusion solution concentrate contains the powerful antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid, which has been proven to relieve unpleasant symptoms associated with diabetic polyneuropathy (nerve damage) such as tingling, burning, numbness and pain. In addition, alpha lipoic acid can scavenge harmful free oxygen radicals and thus attack a cause of nerve damage: increased oxidative stress.

In the case of severe abnormal sensations associated with diabetic polyneuropathy, adults should be administered intravenously at a dosage of 12 ml to 24 ml Alpha-Lipogamma ®600 mg infusion solution concentrate per day (equivalent to 300 mg - 600 mg alpha-lipoic acid/day) is recommended. The solution for injection is given intravenously over a period of 2 to 4 weeks in the initial phase of treatment.

Alpha Lipogamma ® 600 mg infusion solution concentrate - For nerve damage caused by diabetes:
• Against abnormal sensations in diabetic polyneuropathy such as tingling, numbness, burning and pain in the feet
• High-dose alpha-lipoic acid ampoule
• Suitable for initial therapy (for severe symptoms)