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ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH

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ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules, ARONIA+ IMMUN monthly pack of drinking ampoules

pack size:30X25ml Dosage form:drinking ampoules

Drinking ampoules with valuable vitamins and trace elements
• Balanced combination of vitamins and minerals
• With zinc, selenium and vitamin B12 to protect against oxidative stress
• In practical drinking ampoules
• Without artificial colourings, gluten and lactose free

To support the immune system, ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules

Our immune system is an endogenous protection to fight off pathogenic germs such as bacteria and viruses. In order for the immune system to function reliably, the organism must be supplied with vitamins and minerals daily through nutrition. If this is not possible in certain life situations or if there is an increased need for important micronutrients due to illness or the use of certain medications, the consumption of a food supplement can serve to support the immune system. With the trace elements zinc and selenium as well as vitamins B6 and D3, aronia+ IMMUN contains valuable minerals that contribute to the normal functioning of the body's immune system. In addition, zinc, selenium and vitamin B2 are involved in protecting the cells from oxidative stress. The dietary supplement with a tart-fruity taste is practical and easy to use on a daily basis thanks to the edible drinking ampoules. aronia+ IMMUN contains no artificial colors and is lactose- and gluten-free.

The dietary supplement with the +formula, ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules


aronia+ IMMUN is based on the legendary aronia berry. Its juice contains vitamins A, B2, C and vitamin K and is rich in flavonoids, i.e. plant secondary substances that neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and can thus help to prevent cell damage. The immune minerals zinc and selenium as well as selected vitamins from the B group, which are involved in many metabolic processes, provide the plus in aronia+ IMMUN. Vitamin D3, which the body often cannot produce in sufficient quantities during the dark season, contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth and bones as well as normal muscle function.

CONSUMPTION ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules RECOMMENDATION

Drink the contents of one drinking ampoule (= daily portion) after any meal. The recommended daily portion should not be exceeded. Shake the drinking ampoule well before use, consume quickly after opening. If you have a sensitive stomach or if you want to soften the tart, strong taste, you can dilute aronia+ IMMUN with 150 to 200 ml of still water.

NOTE: Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Stressful phases are often associated with lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet. Increased alcohol and nicotine consumption is not uncommon. All this weakens the immune system in the long run and carries the risk of health consequences. So that it doesn't get that far in the first place, it is important to ensure a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, sufficient sleep and exercise. In addition, a dietary supplement such as aronia+ IMMUN can
help strengthen the immune system.

If you are often ill in autumn and winter and constantly affected by infections with coughs, runny noses and the associated lethargy, the weak immune system can no longer adequately defy annoying cold viruses. Regular exercise, preferably in the fresh air, strengthens the immune system. In addition, a diet rich in vital substances, for example through sufficient intake of vitamin C, selenium, zinc and vitamin D3, helps to support the immune system in fighting off

Our body is constantly exposed to oxidative stress. In general, our immune system can handle it well. If there is increased oxidative stress, for example from environmental toxins or pollutants in the air as a result of exhaust gases, increased exposure to UV rays and ozone or cigarette smoke (even with passive smoking), cell damage can occur. A targeted supply of antioxidants such as zinc, selenium and vitamin B2 can
help protect cells from oxidative stress.

FREQUENT QUESTIONS ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules & ANSWERS:

From what age can aronia+ IMMUN be taken? There is no age limit for the consumption of aronia+ IMMUN. For children, however, the content of micronutrients such. B. zinc (4.5 mg) and selenium (50 μg) must be observed. The contents of the drinking ampoule can also be used in portions, e.g. B. diluted in water. Alternatively, the aronia+ KIDS gummy drops are available for children from the age of four. The tasty drops for sucking or chewing contain valuable vitamins and minerals in age-appropriate doses.

How long can you take aronia+ IMMUN? There is no restriction on the duration of intake, all aronia+ recipes and corresponding recommendations for consumption are based on the physiological needs of humans. Please note, however, that taking a dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Is aronia+ IMMUN also suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women? Yes, all aronia+ products can also be consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In these phases of life in particular, there may be an increased need for certain vital substances. Please discuss the intake of dietary supplements with your doctor in advance in order to ensure an adequate supply of micronutrients for you and your child.

Can I also stir aronia+ IMMUN into juice? To soften the tart, sour taste of the aronia berry, aronia+ IMMUN can also be diluted with still water or alternatively stirred into cold food or drinks (e.g. yoghurt, juices, tea).

Do I have to keep the aronia+ drinking ampoules in the fridge? No, that is not necessary. Store aronia+ IMMUN at room temperature in a dry place that is protected from direct sunlight. Please keep it out of the reach of small children.

What is meant by a balanced diet? You can achieve a balanced diet through a varied diet that regularly covers different food groups. Remember as a rule of thumb: the more colorful and natural the composition of the food is, the richer it is in vital substances.

Tips for a diet rich in vital substances:

• A large part of your diet should consist of fresh fruit and vegetables. With a colorful mix of different varieties, you ensure the supply of different vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances. Please note that fruit and vegetables should always be prepared as freshly and gently as possible (e.g. by blanching or steaming) so that the valuable micronutrients are not lost.

• Wholemeal bread, pasta and rice are a healthy and high-fiber alternative to white flour products. They contain B vitamins, among other things, and wholemeal products also keep you full for longer.

• Meat and sausages don't have to be daily. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) advises not to exceed 300 to 600 grams per week. Choose low-fat variants such as poultry.

• Milk and milk products also ensure the supply of important proteins and also calcium and vitamin B2.

• Good sources of essential fatty acids are fish and seafood. According to the DGE recommendation, they should be on the menu once or twice a week.

• Don't forget to drink enough fluids with 1.5 to 2 liters of water or unsweetened tea drinks daily. On hot days or during sporting activities, 2.5 liters serve as a guideline. Sodas and juices are not ideal because of the high sugar content.

ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules dietary supplements. The recommended daily consumption must not be exceeded.

Dietary supplements ARONIA+, vitamins and minerals, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 ampoules are not a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Keep away from children!