
ARTICURELL ampoules 10X2 ml beetroot, Bryonia cretica

sanorell pharma GmbH & Co KG

Sale price £118.90 Regular price £150.00

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beetroot, Bryonia cretica Articurell ® 

joint specifics

Bryonia cretica (beetroot)
D4 dil. 0.66 ml
D8 dil. 0.67 ml
D12 dil. 0.67 ml

10 ampoules of 2 ml

Articurell ® is a registered homeopathic medicine and therefore no therapeutic indication is given. The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures and key symptoms.

beetroot, Bryonia cretica For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

bryonia is used as a laxative to relieve constipation and as an emetic. Emetics are medicines that are used to cause vomiting. Bryonia is also used to treat stomach and intestinal diseases, lung diseases, arthritis, liver disease, and metabolic disorders; and to prevent infections.