
AZ GRENADE x 60 capsules, anthocyanin supplements

AZ Medica

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  • Anthocyanin supplements. Compounds contained in the grenade (including polyphenols, anthocyanins) showing antioxidant and anti-aging, promote primarily the circulatory and immune. They are also useful in maintaining prostate health.

standardized extract of pomegranate ( Punica granatum )

From ancient times, the fruit of the tree (Punica granatum) symbolized strength, courage and longevity. It was used in nutrition, among others, due to the presence of potassium, iron, fiber, organic acids and constituents having antibacterial activity.
Studies have shown that contains a large amount of natural antioxidants: polyphenols (including ellagic acid and gallic acid) and flavonoids.
High antioxidant capacity (the ability disposal free radicals) grenade puts it in the first place the most effective natural antioxidants, which can help to reduce the risk of atherosclerotic lesions in the body. As a result, it is classified as superfruits.

1 capsule daily with a meal.