- The Banival balanitis treatment that regardless of the cause of developing inflammation of the glans and foreskin, will help alleviate the symptoms of this condition of redness, swelling, burning, itching. Banival balanitis treatment includes natural ingredients, eg., Sodium hyaluronate, beeswax.
Composition Banival balanitis treatment:
Ozoile® (ozone stabilized oleic acid vitamin E acetate), sodium hyaluronate, beeswax, tea tree oil.
Banival balanitis treatment Action:
Banival emulsion with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, fungicidal and wirusostatycznym (bio-peroxides). The product reduces inflammation and swelling, and helps regenerate tissues and restore a physiology.The main ingredient of the product are formed from ozone ozonidy, which effectively reduce inflammation by blocking cyclooxygenase (COX) and inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis and activation of enzymes degradation of histamine and serotonin. Ozonidy stimulate regeneration of tissue, so that the cells provide bioprzyswajalnego molecular oxygen. Their anti-inflammatory and regenerative assisted by vitamin E acetate hyaluronic acid integrates ozonidów regeneration capacity, improves skin firmness and the voltage. Beeswax forms a water-resistant film on the skin surface, while the addition of tea tree oil enhances the fungicidal activity Ozoilu®.
Application Banival balanitis treatment :
Banival emulsion for use as an adjunct to treat inflammation of the glans and foreskin.
Banival balanitis treatment Additional information:
The product contains no drugs, dyes and allergens. The emulsion was dermatologically tested, microbiological and cytotoxic.
Contraindications Banival balanitis treatment :
Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the emulsion.
Banival balanitis treatment How to use:
A small amount of product applied to the sore places. The emulsion should be used for 5 days, twice a day - morning and evening. Depending on the response of therapeutic treatment can be extended to 10 days.