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Betadine solution 10%, antiprotozoal, virucidal, fungicide, Bactericidal solution


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DELFARMA Betadine 10% Cutaneous, antiprotozoal, virucidal, fungicide, Bactericidal solution 30 ml, Betadine solution 10%

Betadine solution for application to the skin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial disinfectant intended for skin disinfection before injection, blood sampling, needle biopsy, transfusion, skin and mucosa disinfection before surgery, aseptic wound care, treatment of bacterial and fungal infections, total and partial disinfection of the patient before surgery (antiseptic bath).

The Betadine solution 10%, Cutaneous, antiprotozoal, virucidal, fungicide, Bactericidal solution composition

of 1 ml of the solution contains 100 mg of iodinated povidone, which corresponds to 10 mg of active iodine, and excipients: glycerol, nonoxynol 9, anhydrous citric acid, anhydrous disodium phosphate, sodium hydroxide, purified water, potassium iodate.

Betadine solution 10%, Cutaneous, antiprotozoal, virucidal, fungicide, Bactericidal solution Dosage

Use as a ready product or in the form of an aqueous solution in dilution, depending on the therapeutic indications. 

Bactericidal, fungicidal, selectively virucidal and antiprotozoal

activity . Indications For the disinfection of the skin and mucous membranes, aseptic wound care, treatment of bacterial and fungal infections. Contraindications Allergy to iodine or any other ingredient of the preparation, diagnosed hyperthyroidism or other thyroid diseases, benign thyroid tumor, herpetic dermatitis, renal failure, before and after treatment of hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine.