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BJH ZahnFein Drops 1X10 ml vegetable oils for teeth - gums - fresh breath

BJH Nature and Resonance Research AG

Sale price £48.90 Regular price £70.00

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BJH ZahnFein drops of
vegetable oils for teeth - gums - fresh breath

The good choice - for your own well-being: BJH ZahnFein "the original" is without PEG & silicones (without plastic) - without preservation - without artificial colorings & fragrances - without fluoride

BJH ZahnFein Drops vegetable oils for teeth - gums - fresh breath Use:
After brushing your teeth, put 1-2 drops of BJH ZahnFein on the damp toothbrush - then brush your teeth briefly - rinse - done!

BJH ZahnFein Drops vegetable oils for teeth - gums - fresh breath Tip: Before you rinse your mouth with water and BJH ZahnFein, pull this “mixture freshness” through your teeth a few times.
With regular use, you can also do a “small sensible oil pull”. Success lies in daily use!