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BOIRON Histaminum 9CH granules 4g, symptoms of allergies, tearing of the eyes


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BOIRON Histaminum 9CH granules 4g, symptoms of allergies, tearing of the eyes

  • Boiron Histaminum 9CH (symptoms of allergies, tearing of the eyes) homeopathic medicinal product for therapeutic use. The active substance contained in it is characterized by an extremely wide range of therapeutic activities.

Histaminum 9 CH, sucrose, lactose monohydrate.

Each pack contains about 80 granules. Boiron Histaminum 9CH is not included in this leaflet or the specific indications are included. This has to do with the universal nature of the drug, which can be used in many different ailments and conditions.

Boiron Histaminum 9CH granules without therapeutic indications. For many possible applications include Symptoms of allergies, including tearing of the eyes, urticaria, rhinitis.

Additional information:
The medicine contains lactose and sucrose, so if you are intolerant of some sugars, it is advisable to consult your doctor before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children at room temperature.

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Side effects:
If you experience any side effects, you should see a doctor.

For oral use. The dosage is determined by the doctor. Place the pellets under the tongue and hold them there until dissolved, that is about 2-3 minutes. Small children can be given granules dissolved in a little water. It is recommended to take the medicine at intervals from meals - 15 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after meals.