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BRONCHISAN FIX 3g x 20 sachets, catarrh, relieve cough

Herbapol Lublin

Sale price £13.99 Regular price £20.00

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  • Bronchisan Fix is ​​aromatic and tasty brew that helps relieve the symptoms of rhinitis upper respiratory tract, especially cough. The content of marshmallow, plantain and linden provides anti-inflammatory, expectorant and diaphoretic.

1 sachet contains 3.0 grams of marshmallow root - 1.5g; plantain leaf - 0.75 g; inflorescence linden - 0.75 g.

Dried inflorescence linden leaf plantain and marshmallow root is an aromatic composition, which will help in catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect enables faster taming infection and expectorant properties plantain greatly alleviate troublesome cough accompanies a cold or pharyngitis. The infusion will help relieve discomfort in the throat and alleviate redness. Support the fight against fever because of the diaphoretic action inflorescence linden, which determines the presence of flavonoids. Brew also works protectively on the irritated mucous membranes of the throat.

Bronchisan Fix recommended in catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, especially to relieve cough.

Additional information:
Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the product.

How to use:
Prepare brew: 1 sachet pour boiling water. Set aside to infuse covered for 10-15 minutes. Drink up to 4 times daily glass of warm infusion.