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Calendula mother tincture, CERES, dosage mother calendula tincture

CERES Heilmittel GmbH

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Calendula mother tincture, CERES, dosage mother calendula tincture 

marigold mother tincture

Plant parts used: Fresh flowering herb

calendula mother tincture benefits:

Calendula Officinalis Mother Tincture is a multipurpose health tonic which is used for the treatment of numerous health complications including rheumatic pains, mouth ulcers, keloids and for the treatment of wounds. It promotes quick healing of injuries and diaphoretic and antiseptic properties

Manufacturing instructions: HAB, § 3a Package

size / content: 20 ml

Homeopathic mother tincture.

Pharmaceutical company: Ceres Heilmittel GmbH
Schloss Türnich, D-50169 Kerpen

Manufactured by Ceres Heilmittel AG, Switzerland.

active ingredients

  • 1 ml Calendula officinalis mother tincture


  • ethanol

Calendula Ø
marigold mother tincture

Plant parts used:
Fresh flowering herb

Manufacturing specification:
HAB, § 3a


Directions for taking Ceres remedies, dosage mother calendula tincture


  1. Note the low dosage
    Ceres medicines are taken in very low dosages (usually 2-5 drops 1 to 3 times a day). If necessary, seek medical advice.

  2. Linger for a few moments with the aroma
    Consciously absorb the aroma through your nose and palate. The aroma is of great importance and enhances the life-enhancing and harmonizing effect. The effectiveness unfolds best when the drops are placed in a little water and kept in the mouth for a while. You can also put the drops directly on the tongue and salivate them. This is particularly recommended in acute cases.

  3. Feel the essence of the medicine Enter
    into an inner dialogue with the essence of the medicinal plant in your own personal way. The frequency and duration of intake should be felt internally. It is the language of the body that tells you whether the remedy is needed or not. Enjoy and taste the ingestion of the drops like finely prepared food.

  4. Take mental, emotional and physical signals.
    Observe yourself: If the symptoms worsen or new ones appear, this can be the result of too high a dosage. In this case, take a break of a few days and then continue with a lower dosage. Get medical advice if symptoms persist.

  5. Minimum time interval of several mother tinctures
    If several Ceres remedies are taken at the same time, an interval of at least 15 minutes should be observed. Consciously enjoy the absorption and acceptance of the healing impulses.

  6. Inform yourself
    Previous experiences show that Ceres medicines can be easily combined with conventional medicine, homeopathic and complementary medicine remedies. Nevertheless, get medical advice if you suffer from illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines, including those you bought yourself.