Carduus Benedictus D2/PAEONIA offic.D2 aa ampoules
Homeopathic medicine.
pack size:8X1ml Dosage form:ampoules
active Carduus Benedictus, PAEONIA ampoules ingredients
- 500 mg Cnicus benedictus, ethanol. Decoctum D2
- 500 mg Paeonia officinalis, ethanol. Decoctum D2
Carduus Benedictus, PAEONIA ampoules excipients
- glycerol
- water for injections
Cnicus benedictus benefits:
Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus) is a flowering plant with sharp prickles on the stems and leaves. It's native to the Mediterranean region. Blessed thistle contains chemicals called tannins, which might help with diarrhea, cough, and swelling.
Paeonia officinalis benefits:
The root of white peony, or bai shao, is a traditional Chinese remedy. According to scientific research, the herb may improve blood flow, pain, hyperpigmentation, and mood disorders. It might also help autoimmune conditions and increase estrogen levels.
Dosage form:
Liquid dilution for injection
Carduus Benedictus, PAEONIA ampoules Composition:
1 ampoule contains: Carduus benedictus, ethanol. Decoctum dil. D2 0.5 g / Paeonia officinalis, ethanol. Decoctum dil. D2 0.5 g - last stage potentized together.
Isotonized with glycerol.
Areas of application:
according to the anthroposophical knowledge of man and nature
, homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without indication of a therapeutic indication.
Dosage Carduus Benedictus, PAEONIA ampoules:
Unless otherwise prescribed, inject 1 ml subcutaneously twice a week to once a day.
None known
Pregnancy/lactation period:
Like all medicines, only use after consulting a doctor or pharmacist.
Side effects:
None known
None known