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CHELIDONIUM EYE DROPS, tear secretion in dry conjunctiva, dry conjunctivitis


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CHELIDONIUM EYE DROPS Rh D 4, tear secretion in dry conjunctiva, dry conjunctivitis

pack size:10ml Dosage form:eye drop

Eye drops

Composition 10.2 g (= 10 ml) contains:
Chelidonium Rh Dil. D4 10g.
Excipients: boric acid, sodium tetraborate. Isotonized with potassium nitrate.

Areas of CHELIDONIUM EYE DROPS, tear secretion in dry conjunctiva, dry conjunctivitis application


According to the anthroposophical knowledge of man and nature.
This includes: stimulation of tear secretion in dry conjunctiva and dry conjunctivitis.

Dosage CHELIDONIUM EYE DROPS, tear secretion in dry conjunctiva, dry conjunctivitis

Unless otherwise prescribed, drip 1 drop into the conjunctival sac 3 times a day.