
CHROME with green tea x 30 tablets, Chromium


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  • Chromium is helpful for weight loss and necessary for diabetics. Safe formula in the form of chromium chloride! - According to the latest research.

30 mcg chromium (chromium chloride); 30 mg of green tea extract; 9 mg of zinc; 1.2 mg of vitamin B6.

Chromium is an essential element in the process of glucose metabolism. He participates in the processes regulating blood sugar levels and supports the proper functioning of the immune system.Shortage of his body is tantamount to a lack of insulin. The regulation of blood sugar also participates zinc contained in this formulation by improving insulin secretion by the pancreas. Absorption of chromium and zinc enhances the presence of vitamin B6. Green tea helps digestion and fat reduction. It is a source of polyphenols and has antioxidant (anti-cancer).

Chromium is helpful for weight loss and necessary for diabetics. Safe formula in the form of chromium chloride! - According to the latest research.