- Product Bonifraterska leaf cleansing is a natural product, characterized by a high content of biologically active substances that favorably affect your body. Among the most important benefits of cleansing calculated its antioxidant properties.
Net weight: 100 g (2 sachets of 50 g)
Ingredients: 100 g leaf cleansing (Cistus incanus L.)
cleansing Bonifraterska is a dietary supplement in which you can find 100% Leaf Purge. The product has strong antioxidant properties, it helps strengthen immunity and keep the body's youth for years to come. Herb cleansing is a natural and rich source of polyphenols, which are perfectly cope with neutralization of harmful free radicals.This strong antioxidant properties purge, it is often used to prevent many diseases - including cancer, eliminates inflammation in the body and promote the strengthening of the vitality of the human body. Cleansing is also indicated in the diet of people suffering from Lyme disease. Infusions of the herb cleansing should be drunk at least 2 times a day for a minimum of 4 weeks.
Including daily diet infusions of the herb cleansing you gain an extra portion of energy for the body, strengthen the immune and inflammatory response, strengthen the heart, opóźnisz aging and remove the body of excess free radicals.
Spoon herb pour a cup of boiling water and infuse, covered, about 10 minutes. Drink twice a day for a glass of freshly prepared infusionCountry of origin of the raw material: Poland