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COLOUR prints on record 15g, remove fingerprints, fingerprint


Sale price £12.99 Regular price £20.00

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  • Remove fingerprints, fingerprint. Record ointment contains fingerprints composed of lactic acid and salicylic acid exfoliating antifungal and antibacterial. Ointment effectively softens and swells the skin helping to remove fingerprints.

lactic acid, salicylic acid

The product belongs to a wide group of measures applied externally.It consists of lactic acid and salicylic acid, which owes its properties.The product mainly softens and looseness of the skin and its exfoliation. Additionally fights fungi and bacteria.

- allergic to ingredients
- diabetes
- cardiovascular disorders
- skin lesions of inflammation or injury within the prints
- prints the ears, the skin face, groin, around the anus and genital mucous membranes

Apply topically in the case of blisters and skin lumps.

For external use only. Legs with fingerprints soak, then thickening / imprint apply ointment and secure it with a plaster. For the next 7 days supplement daily loss ointment. After this time, soak feet again and try to remove the imprint.