Contramutan ® CONTRAMUTAN homeopathic formula d tablets
The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures .
These include:
feverish flu-like infections with inflammation of the upper airways.
CONTRAMUTAN homeopathic formula d tablets Active ingredients
- 50 mg Echinacea angustifolia mother tincture
- 0.02 mg Aconitum napellus mother tincture
- 0.02 mg Atropa belladonna mother tincture
- 0.05 mg Eupatorium perfoliatum mother tincture
CONTRAMUTAN homeopathic formula d tablets Auxiliary materials
- Lactose-1 water
- Cornstarch
- Magnesium stearate
For CONTRAMUTAN homeopathic formula d tablets information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.