pack size:50ml Dosage form:drops
For medicines: Read the leaflet on the risks and side effects and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
In the case of veterinary medicinal products: Read the leaflet on the risks and side effects and ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.
Composition based on 1 gram
100 mg Acidum silicicum (hom./anthr.) D8
100 mg Aurum metallicum (hom./anthr.) D8
100 mg Calcium fluoratum (hom./anthr.) D8
150 mg Conium maculatum (hom./anthr.) D4
200 mg Fraxinus americana (hom./anthr.) D2
150 mg platinum metallicum (hom./anthr.) D8
200 mg Sanguinaria canadensis (hom./anthr.) D4
+ ethanol