- Disnemar can be used in the following symptoms: dry nasal mucosa caused by: air conditioning (aircraft, office, car), central heating, cigarette smoke; stuffy nose caused by states kataralnymi.
Composition DISNEMAR:
Disnemar is a highly purified sea water with trace elements.
DISNEMAR Indications: Dry nasal mucosa caused by: air conditioning (aircraft, office, car), central heating, cigarette smoke; nasal congestion caused by allergies and states kataralnymi (colds, rhinitis, sinusitis); nasal septum deviation; chronic catarrhal and allergic conditions; other external circumstances and pathological cause nasal congestion; daily nasal hygiene in children and infants as well as adults.
Action: Cleans and unblocking the nasal cavity, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, flushes out pollutants and allergens, promotes regeneration of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Dispenser in the form of a nebulizer mikrodyfuzyjnego allows even distribution of product in the nasal cavity, the effective application regardless of the position of the bottle, delicate application preparation - "mist effect".
Dosage: Due to the high security treatment Disnemarem no restrictions on the number of doses. Typically dosed 4-8 times daily to both nostrils (during infection often).