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DOLOMIT VIS 0.5 x 100 tablets, calcium-magnesium in hypocalcemia


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  • Dolomite is used therapeutically to offset of calcium-magnesium in hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia and prevention of deficiency states of calcium and magnesium. Prophylactically in the states of physical and mental fatigue.

1 tablet. (500 mg) contains 108 mg calcium and 64 mg of magnesium. Tablets (500 mg) do not contain sugar. Response:natural mineral containing primarily calcium and magnesium, and small amounts of iron, aluminum, silicon, manganese, zinc and copper. Indications: Healing in order to compensate in calcium-magnesium in hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia and prevention of deficiency states of calcium and magnesium. Prophylactically in the states of physical and mental fatigue, stress, increased irritability, sleep disorders, muscle pain, prolonged exercise, periods of rapid growth in children and adolescents, pregnant and breast-feeding during convalescence and bone fractures. In menopausal women in the prevention of bone demineralization and supportively in the comprehensive treatment of osteoporosis. Undesirable effects:The following may occur: loose stools, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness long-term use. Dosage: Oral. Adults and children over 12 r.ż .: preventively 1 tablet. 500 mg per day. Therapeutic: 2-6 tabl.