- Aloe vera gel drink. Drinking aloe vera gel, cleanses the body, strengthens immunity, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It is recommended for inflammation, ulcers of the stomach, duodenum and intestines. Supports medical treatment and convalescence after illness.
Aloe vera gel drink Composition:
Aloe Vera drinking gel contains 99.72 g of aloe gel.
Aloe vera gel drink Action:
Aloe Vera Gel drinking, is especially recommended to confronted with inflammation, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, and the overall decline mold body. It includes the pacemaker biogenny anolektynę B and antracompounds, vitamins and minerals rich in zinc, magnesium and copper. The composition of the gel also includes polysaccharides, amino acids and lipids. Known with beneficial effects on the human body aloe, it has a cleansing action of toxins and act as an auxiliary in weight loss - regulates digestion. Aloe vera gel, it also helps to lower blood sugar levels and strengthens the liver. It works perfectly as a means of revitalizing the body after illnesses or operations. Applied externally accelerate healing of wounds, burns and frostbite, soothes and relieves pain.
Aloe vera gel drink Usage:
Oral. 50 ml a day before meals.