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Dry irritating cough, Drosera, homeopathic medicine, OSATUSS globules


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OSATUSS globules, Dry irritating cough, Drosera, homeopathic medicine

pack size:7.5g Dosage form:globules


Dry irritating cough, Drosera, homeopathic medicine, Osatuss ®

homeopathic medicine
Active ingredients: Drosera Dil. D6.
Areas of application: Osatuss is a homeopathic medicine for diseases of the respiratory organs. The field of application corresponds to the homeopathic drug picture. These include: Irritable cough. Notes: Contains sucrose (sugar).

For risks Dry irritating cough, Drosera, homeopathic medicine and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Status: 10/2020

Dry irritating cough, Drosera, homeopathic medicine Application
Babies and small children up to 2 years of age after consultation with a doctor:
In the case of an acute course, 1-2 granules 6 times a day (max. 10 granules per day)
In the case of a chronic course, 1-2 granules 1-3 times a day (max beads per day)

Children from 2 to 6 years:
In the case of an acute course, 2 granules 6 times a day (max. 15 granules per day)
In the case of a chronic course, 2-3 granules a day (max. 7 granules per day)

Children from 6 to 12 years:
In the case of an acute course, 3 granules 6 times a day ( max 20 pellets per day)
In the case of a chronic course, 3 pellets 1-3 times a day (max. 10 pellets per day)

Adolescents from the age of 12 and adults:
In the case of an acute course, 5 pellets 6 times a day (max. 30 pellets per day)
In the case of a chronic course, 1- Place 5 globules 3 times a day (max. 15 globules per day)

ideally under the tongue or on the cheek and let them melt there.

Coughing is a protective reaction by the body to clear the airways. However, if the mucous membranes are irritated too much, they can become inflamed.
Children in particular should be supported - preferably with the power of nature. With Osatuss and its active ingredient Drosera D6, the natural healing powers of the child are supported.

Drosera rotundifolia is a plant that prefers to grow at high altitudes in Europe and South America. Sundew (Drosera D6) is used in pediatrics in particular to treat dry coughs. The round-leaved sundew has been used as a herbal remedy for coughs since the 12th century.