ENT TEA SonnenMoor
Pack size:50g Dosage form:bag
Birch leaves, lemon balm leaves, rose hips, hollow toothwort, nettle leaves, blackberry leaves, goldenrod, lime blossoms, peppermint
The herbal mixture is perfectly coordinated for internal cleansing with birch leaves, lemon balm, rose hips, hollow toothwort, nettle leaves, blackberry leaves, goldenrod, linden blossoms and peppermint - of course in the best medicinal quality and without additives or fillers. As a base tea, our ent tea works in a completely natural way.
ENT TEA SonnenMoor Preparation:
For internal cleansing - Pour 1 liter of boiling water (100 degrees Celsius) over 2 heaped tablespoons of tea. Let the tea steep for 5 - 10 minutes and then strain. It is recommended to drink one liter throughout the day.
Ingredients ENT TEA SonnenMoor:
Birch leaves, lemon balm leaves, rose hips, hollow toothwort, nettle leaves, blackberry leaves, goldenrod, lime blossoms, peppermint
Store out of the reach of children.