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EVOLSIN anti-nail fungus liquid, best anti nail fungus treatment

Evolsin medical UG (limited liability)

Sale price £68.95 Regular price £90.00

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Best anti nail fungus treatment, EVOLSIN anti-nail fungus liquid

pack size:10ml Dosage form:tincture

EVOLSIN anti-nail fungus liquid

The combination of active ingredients in the Evolsin ® Anti-Nail Fungus Liquid forms a protective layer on the nail with a slightly acidic environment, which is unfavorable for the growth and spread of fungi.


DOSAGE EVOLSIN anti-nail fungus liquid, best anti nail fungus treatment AND APPLICATION:


Evolsin ® Anti-Nail Fungus Liquid is intended for external use. Apply the Evolsin ® Anti-Nail Fungus Liquid two to three times a day (e.g. in the morning and in the evening) to the affected areas until the nail has completely grown out. The nail treatment can be combined with oral antifungal drugs.

To get a better result faster, it is recommended to carefully file the nail once a week. Once the treatment is stopped, the nail fungus will come back faster. It is therefore important to continue using Evolsin ® Anti-Nail Fungus Liquid until the nail fungus has completely disappeared.

Since nail fungus infections can be caused by a humid environment, it is strongly recommended to wear socks made of 100% moisture-wicking materials such as cotton or wool. This is important because the fungi love moisture and will thrive in these conditions. With toenail fungus, it is important that your feet are always dry.

EVOLSIN anti-nail fungus liquid

Intolerance to one or more ingredients of the product.

USE EVOLSIN anti-nail fungus liquid, best anti nail fungus treatment DURING PREGNANCY/LACTATION:

There is no information about the use of Evolsin ® Anti-Nail Fungus Liquid during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.