FEMCON Plus vaginal cone set with 5 vaginal cones, buy vaginal cones
Product details & mandatory information, buy vaginal cones
Consisting of: 5 uniform vaginal cones weighing 20, 30, 40, 55 and 70 g. One Ladysof lubricant 30 ml.
FEMCON Plus vaginal cone, set with 5 vaginal cones, buy vaginal cones Consisting of:
5 uniform vaginal cones weighing 20, 30, 40, 55 and 70 g.
One Ladysof lubricant 30 ml.
Many women secretly suffer from involuntary urine leakage without any feeling of urination. This manifest stress incontinence can be treated very successfully: With active pelvic floor exercises, supported by Femcon® Plus - vaginal cones.
FEMCON Plus vaginal cone, set with 5 vaginal cones, buy vaginal cones:
Femcon® Plus is a set of five tampon-like vaginal cones of increasing weight, which after insertion into the vagina lie on the pelvic floor and must now be held actively. A nylon thread allows easy removal after training. The standard set that every woman should start with in order to achieve optimal training success contains 5 uniform vaginal cones weighing 20, 30, 40, 55 and 70 g.
Starting with the lightest femcon, heavier cones are used as the training effect increases. Individual Femcon® Plus vaginal cones weighing 80 g are available for women who have already trained with the standard set and would like to continue training their pelvic floor muscles.
Only the use of Femcon® Plus gives the affected women an active feeling for the weakened muscles and lets them feel the success immediately. Femcon® Plus is clinically tested and has success rates of over 60%.