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FEMURIN x 60 tablets, urinary incontinence

Biotech Varsovia Pharma Sp. z oo

Sale price £18.99 Regular price £30.00

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  • Urinary incontinence. Femurin - natural dietary supplement. which substantially alleviates and reduces both the cause and the symptoms of urinary incontinence (UI).

FEMURIN - natural dietary supplement. which substantially alleviates and reduces both the cause and the symptoms of urinary incontinence (UI). which restores the efficiency and durability of the organs of the urinary tract. It builds the appropriate tension and firmness of tissues and ensures correct their response to nerve signals controlling human urination.

Femurin is unique. prepared from natural ingredients formulation.which significantly reduces the use of NTM symptoms after 6 weeks and does not cause side effects.

It contains phytoestrogens (enterodiol and enterolactone) - plant compounds. that "mimic" the action of natural estrogens. They bind to receptors for estrogen and plasma protein binding hormones. thereby increase the concentration of free. naturally produced estrogen and testosterone. and its influence on the structure involved in the correct urinary incontinence. Femurin . natural way to NTM.

Use 2 times in day 1 tablet with a glass of water. It is intended for long term use, and the results should be clearly visible after 3-6 weeks.