Gingonin ® 120 mg hard capsules.
Active ingredient: Ginkgo biloba leaves dry extract.
Areas of application: Gingonin is a herbal medicine used to improve age-related cognitive impairment and the quality of life in mild dementia.
Warning: Gingonin 40 mg contains lactose, azorubine and glucose. Only take Gingonin 40 mg after consulting your doctor if you are known to be intolerant to certain sugars. Gingonin 120 mg contains lactose and glucose. Only take Gingonin 120 mg after consulting your doctor if you are known to be intolerant to certain sugars.
For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Gingonin ®
Your advantages at a glance:
• Increases concentration and performance 1
• Promotes blood circulation in the brain 2
• Purely vegetable with good tolerance 4
Gingonin with the Ginkgo biloba extract increases concentration and performance, promotes blood circulation in the brain and is purely vegetable
Gingonin ® from TAD Pharma is a herbal medicine with the Ginkgo biloba extract. The memory and the performance of the brain are improved by taking gingonin, as is concentration. 1 The brain is cognitively strengthened and circulatory disorders are counteracted.2 Gingonin is the only ginkgo product on the market in capsule form with the strengths of 40 mg and 120 mg. In case of forgetfulness and poor concentration 1 you make the right choice with Gingonin, because it stands for high quality at an affordable price. Ginkgo extract is also generally used for tinnitus or ringing in the ears and for dizziness. 3
We recommend taking 240 mg daily for a period of at least 8 weeks. There is no relevant area of application for children and gingonin should therefore not be used in them.
GINGONIN administration 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 capsules daily
What is the difference between ginkgo biloba and ginseng?
Ginseng is often confused with gingko biloba. Both substances are considered natural because they are of vegetable origin. Both ginseng and ginkgo are marketed as dietary supplements or as herbal medicines.
The power of ginkgo extract has been researched for several centuries and is considered the tree of life in Chinese medicine. In neural therapy, the vegetative nervous system is to be influenced by the use of a local anesthetic. Ginkgo is not suitable for this. Since signs such as listlessness, exhaustion, lack of energy, mood swings can occur in many diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting therapy with Ginkgo biloba extracts.
How can I improve my memory retention?
The digital world of work demands a lot from us - we communicate by email and smartphone, receive new information every minute and have to practice “multitasking”. Keeping an overview of all these things and remembering everything that is relevant is not that easy. We have put together 5 tips to help you improve your memory and stress management:
Memory training or brain jogging is about actively challenging yourself and confronting yourself with new, unfamiliar situations from time to time. The alternation between complex tasks is particularly important so that new connections between the neurons in the brain are created. Memory training and brain jogging are strenuous, but require large areas of the brain and are therefore effective training for the "thinking muscles". This improves your cognitive abilities and has a positive effect on the concentration and the efficiency of the brain.
In order to increase your own memory, various medicines with natural ingredients are offered. In studies, products made from extracts of the ginkgo leaf in particular show a positive influence on memory performance. 2 Since these drugs do not require a prescription and are considered well tolerated, they are suitable for many people.
The basic principle behind the term mnemotechnics is to charge the “dry” facts emotionally or visually and to make them more accessible to our memory instead of memorizing them through blunt repetition.
For example, the number-form technique is known: Instead of memorizing a series of numbers through constant repetition, digits are assigned symbols, for example.
It is important to “become aware” of facts that you want to remember - a brief moment of “realizing”. This is easy to say, especially in a stressful work environment - occasionally, however, it can help to take a step back and take a deep breath in order to strengthen the memory as it emerges.
Researchers at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine found that meditation can improve memory performance and increase concentration. Persistent stress and the associated mental strain can also be reduced. Meditating for 10 minutes a day is sufficient to bring about noticeable changes in the brain regions responsible for memory.
1 Franke AG et al. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2014 Nov; 264 Suppl 1: S83-90.
2 Kaschel R. Pharm of our time. 2009; 38 (5): 432-9.
3 Spiegel R, Kalla R, Mantokoudis G, Maire R, Mueller H, Hoerr R, Ihl R. Clin Interv Aging. 2018 Jun 13; 13: 1121-1127.
4thOvergaard J, Højsted R, Hansen J, Møller-Sonnergaard LL Christrup. Patients' evaluation of shape, size and color of solid dosage forms. Pharm World Sci 2001; 23 (5): 185-188.
5 Heinonen T, Gaus W. Toxicology. 2015 Jan 2; 327: 95-115.