- Grapefruit juice. 100% grape juice grape fruit is a natural source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants - flavonoids. Especially recommended for people who are physically active, working wysiłkowo and during weakness and convalescence.
Grape - 100% grape juice. It contains no preservatives.
The juice of the vine fruit is 100% natural, with no preservatives or artificial coloring juice, whose properties and beneficial effects on human health proved centuries ago. Grape is a fruit that is our body a rich and valuable source of substances: regenerating, cleansing and antioxidant - mainly flavonoids, which are found in the seeds, skins and stems of grapes. In addition, grape and its products, they are a natural source of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron and chlorine and B group vitamins and vitamin A. Grapes are also a source of easily digestible glucose and fructose, which is a source of energy for the human body .
Grape juice EkaMedica, is indicated especially for physically active people working physically and for people weakened and during convalescence.
2 x daily 25 ml half an hour before a meal. Shake before use. Sludge is a natural phenomenon. The juice may be slightly different color and taste depending on the party. After opening consume within 21 days, store in the refrigerator.